How To Setup WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email On A WordPress Website

One of the greatest challenges for online retailers is combating the dreaded abandoned shopping cart. It’s a scenario familiar to anyone who’s ever run an online store: a potential customer adds items to their cart, teetering on the edge of conversion, only to abandon ship at the last moment. But fear not, for there’s a powerful tool at your disposal to reel these hesitant shoppers back in – the WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email.

Did you know that across various industries, the average abandoned cart rate ranges from a staggering 55% to 80%? That’s a significant chunk of potential revenue slipping through the cracks. However, all is not lost. Studies have shown that implementing a strategic follow-up email campaign can help you recover at least 30% of those abandoned sales. That’s where WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email comes into play.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email on your WordPress website. From understanding the importance of reclaiming lost sales to the step-by-step configuration of the plugin, you’ll learn everything you need to know to optimize your conversion rates and boost your bottom line.

So, if you’re ready to turn abandoned carts into completed transactions and maximize your online store’s revenue potential, let’s dive in!

What Is A WooCommerce Abandoned Cart?

A WooCommerce abandoned cart refers to an online shopping cart on a WooCommerce-powered website that a user has filled with products but left without completing the purchase. When a visitor adds items to their shopping cart but fails to proceed to checkout and finalize the transaction, it results in an abandoned cart situation. WooCommerce, a popular WordPress plugin, provides tools and features to address this issue through strategies like abandoned cart recovery emails.

Several factors contribute to the phenomenon of abandoned carts, and understanding these reasons is crucial for e-commerce businesses to develop effective strategies to minimize abandonment rates. Here are some common reasons why users abandon their shopping carts:

  • Unexpected Costs: High shipping fees, taxes, or additional charges that appear during the checkout process can startle customers, especially if they were not prominently displayed earlier in the shopping experience. When faced with unexpectedly high costs, customers may reconsider their purchase decision and abandon their carts to seek better deals elsewhere.
  • Complicated Checkout Process: A convoluted or lengthy checkout process with excessive form fields, mandatory account creation, or multiple steps can frustrate users, particularly those seeking a streamlined and hassle-free experience. Lengthy processes increase the likelihood of abandonment as users may lose patience or become deterred by the complexity.
  • Security Concerns: In an era of increasing online security breaches, users are rightfully cautious about sharing their personal information and payment details online. If an e-commerce website lacks visible trust signals, secure payment gateways, or SSL certificates, users may hesitate to proceed with their purchase, fearing potential identity theft or fraud.
  • Distractions and Interruptions: During the checkout process, users may encounter distractions or interruptions that divert their attention away from completing the transaction. This could include receiving notifications, navigating to other pages, or being interrupted by external factors, ultimately leading to cart abandonment.
  • Comparison Shopping: Online shoppers frequently use their shopping carts as a tool for comparison shopping, adding items from different websites to compare prices, shipping options, or product specifications. Some users may abandon their carts temporarily to conduct further research before making a final purchasing decision.
  • Technical Issues: Glitches, slow loading times, or technical errors during the checkout process can severely impact the user experience and erode trust in the website’s reliability. Technical issues frustrate users and may lead them to abandon their carts out of frustration or concern about the website’s functionality.
  • Lack of Payment Options: Limited payment options, such as accepting only credit cards or not offering popular digital wallets like PayPal or Apple Pay, can alienate potential customers who prefer alternative Woocommerce payment methods. If users cannot pay using their preferred option, they may abandon their carts and seek out competitors that accommodate their payment preferences.
  • Window Shopping: Some users treat their online shopping carts as a virtual wishlist or for browsing purposes rather than with immediate intent to purchase. They may add items to their cart to save them for later consideration or simply to gauge the total cost, with no immediate intention to complete the transaction.

Addressing these factors through user experience optimization, transparent pricing policies, robust security measures, and effective communication strategies can help e-commerce businesses minimize cart abandonment rates and improve overall conversion rates. Another most efficient way is to send abandoned cart mail.

How WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email Improve Cart Recovery Rate

WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email is a powerful tool that can significantly improve cart recovery rates by re-engaging with users who have abandoned their carts. Here’s how it works and how it helps in improving cart recovery rates:

  • Automated Follow-Up: WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email allows you to set up automated follow-up emails that are sent to users who abandon their carts. These emails are triggered when a user adds items to their cart but does not complete the checkout process. By reaching out to these users automatically, you increase the chances of re-engaging them and convincing them to complete their purchase.
  • Personalized Communication: One of the key features of WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email is the ability to personalize the content of the emails based on the items in the user’s cart. You can include details about the products they left behind, as well as any discounts or promotions that may incentivize them to complete their purchase. Personalized communication makes the emails more relevant to the recipient, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Reminder of Abandoned Items: Sometimes, users may simply forget about the items they added to their cart. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email serves as a reminder, bringing their attention back to the products they were interested in. By reminding them, they will be more likely to visit your website and make a purchase.
  • Offer Incentives: To further encourage users to complete their purchase, you can use WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email to offer incentives such as discounts or free shipping. These incentives create a sense of urgency and provide added value to the user, making them more likely to take action and complete their purchase.
  • Multiple Touchpoints: In some cases, users may not respond to the first abandoned cart email they receive. WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email allows you to set up multiple follow-up emails, increasing the chances of re-engaging users over time. By sending multiple touchpoints, you stay top-of-mind with the user and provide them with additional opportunities to convert.
  • Analytics and Optimization: WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email provides analytics and insights into the performance of your cart recovery campaigns. You can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your emails and make data-driven optimizations to improve results over time.

Overall, WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email is a highly effective tool for improving cart recovery rates by re-engaging with users who have abandoned their carts. By leveraging automated follow-up, personalized communication, incentives, and analytics, you can increase conversions and recover lost sales for your e-commerce store.

How To Setup WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email

Setting up WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email involves several steps to ensure effective implementation and maximize its potential for recovering lost sales. The process is outlined in the following steps:

Step 1: Install And Activate WooCommerce:

The initial step in configuring WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email is to install and activate WooCommerce on your WordPress website. WooCommerce stands as a robust e-commerce plugin, widely recognized for its versatility and comprehensive suite of features tailored for managing online stores. To commence this process, you navigate to the WordPress dashboard, select “Plugins” from the menu, and then click on “Add New.” In the search bar, input “WooCommerce,” and the official plugin should appear. Click “Install Now” and subsequently activate it.

Upon activation, WooCommerce initiates a setup wizard that guides you through fundamental configurations such as currency selection, shipping options, and payment gateways. This step is essential as it establishes the foundational framework for your online store. WooCommerce seamlessly integrates with WordPress, transforming your website into a fully functional e-commerce platform. The plugin facilitates the creation of product pages, a shopping cart, and a secure checkout process. Once WooCommerce is successfully installed and activated, you can then proceed to augment its capabilities by incorporating a dedicated WooCommerce Abandoned Cart plugin.

Step 2: Install A WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Plugin:

While WooCommerce provides foundational features for cart management, specialized WordPress plugins offer advanced functionalities, including robust abandoned cart recovery mechanisms. One such notable plugin is “WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery” by CartFlows Inc.

This plugin, available either in the WordPress plugin repository or through third-party providers, serves as a comprehensive solution to combat cart abandonment effectively. Upon deciding to enhance your WooCommerce setup, the first task is to choose a plugin that aligns with your specific needs and preferences. CartFlows’ Abandonment Recovery plugin is a popular choice known for its user-friendly interface, customizable features, and reliable performance.

To initiate the installation process, access your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins section, and click on “Add New.” Subsequently, search for the chosen plugin, such as “WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery,” and click “Install.” Once the installation is complete, activate the plugin to integrate its features seamlessly with your WooCommerce environment.

This dedicated plugin not only automates the process of tracking and recovering abandoned carts but also provides additional functionalities, such as personalized email campaigns and detailed analytics. By incorporating such a plugin into your WooCommerce setup, you empower your online store to proactively engage with potential customers who have abandoned their carts, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion and revenue generation.

Step 3: Configure Plugin Settings:

Configuring the settings of the WooCommerce Abandoned Cart plugin is a crucial step to tailor its functionality to your specific requirements. Upon installation, head to the plugin’s settings page to initiate the setup process. The first significant configuration involves enabling cart tracking, allowing the plugin to capture abandoned carts. A crucial parameter to set is the cart abandoned cut-off time, typically around 20 minutes, determining when a cart is considered abandoned if the order is not completed within the specified timeframe.

Further customization options include the ability to disable tracking for specific user roles, ensuring that administrators, editors, authors, contributors, subscribers, and shop managers are excluded from the abandonment process when logged in. Additionally, you can exclude certain order statuses, such as pending payment, processing, on hold, completed, and failed, preventing the sending of recovery emails for those statuses.

The plugin offers notification features, allowing the admin to receive an email when a new order recovery occurs. UTM parameters can be added to Woocommerce checkout page links in recovery emails for tracking purposes. The Coupons Settings section enables automatic deletion of expired and used coupons on a weekly basis, streamlining coupon management.

Email settings allow customization of the “From” name and address, as well as the “Reply To” address for communication. Recovery report emails can be configured, and webhooks can be enabled to trigger automatic events upon cart abandonment and recovery. The GDPR integration feature prompts user confirmation before tracking data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Finally, the Plugin Settings section includes an option to delete plugin data when uninstalling, offering a comprehensive setup tailored to your e-commerce store’s needs. These configurations empower you to optimize the WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email plugin for effective cart recovery strategies and enhanced user engagement.

Step 4: Set Email Templates:

After configuring the plugin settings, the next crucial step in setting up WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email is to customize the email templates that will be sent to users who abandon their carts. This customization allows you to tailor the content of the emails according to your preferences and brand identity while also incentivizing users to complete their purchase. You can personalize the email templates with details about the abandoned items, such as images, descriptions, and prices, to remind users of their intended purchases. Additionally, you can include incentives or promotions, such as discounts or free shipping offers, to encourage users to take action. It’s essential to ensure that the email templates are visually appealing, mobile-responsive, and consistent with your brand’s design aesthetic to enhance engagement and reinforce brand recognition.

Within the plugin’s interface, you’ll typically find options to create and edit email templates. You can choose from pre-designed templates or customize them according to your requirements. Each template may include fields for the email subject, body content, and timing settings for when the email should be sent after a cart is abandoned. For example, you might set up multiple templates with different timing intervals, such as sending a reminder email after 30 minutes, followed by a follow-up email with a discount offer after one day. Additionally, you can use WooCommerce’s email style or customize the design to match your brand’s visual identity. Once you’ve finalized the templates, you can activate them to start sending abandoned cart emails to users who leave items in their carts without completing the purchase.

Step 5: Test And Preview Emails:

Before launching your WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email campaign, it’s crucial to thoroughly test and preview the email templates to ensure they meet your expectations and function flawlessly. Begin by sending test emails to yourself and team members to evaluate how the templates appear across various devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Check for any formatting discrepancies, such as broken layouts or distorted images, and ensure that the content is displayed correctly. Additionally, test the email templates across different email clients, such as Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail, to ensure compatibility and consistency also optimize website images to load your landing page faster and make it engaging. 

Pay close attention to how the emails render in each client and address any issues that arise. By meticulously testing and previewing the email templates before sending them to actual users, you can identify and rectify any errors or inconsistencies, ensuring a seamless and professional email campaign that effectively re-engages abandoned cart users and boosts your conversion rates.

Step 6: Monitor Performance And Optimize:

After setting up your WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email campaign, the crucial next step involves meticulous tracking, performance monitoring, and continuous optimization. Utilize the analytics provided by the plugin to gain insights into how well your campaign is performing. Track key metrics such as open rates, which indicate how many recipients opened your emails, click-through rates, which measure how many clicked on the links within the emails, and conversion rates, which reflect the percentage of users who completed a purchase after receiving the abandoned cart email.

This data allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your emails and pinpoint areas for improvement. With a keen eye on these metrics, you can identify patterns, preferences, and potential bottlenecks in the customer journey. Armed with these insights, embark on a journey of continuous optimization. Experiment with different email content to resonate better with your audience, tweak the timing of your follow-up emails for optimal engagement, and consider offering various incentives to entice users back to their abandoned carts. By refining your strategies based on real-time performance data, you can maximize cart recovery rates and ultimately boost sales for your e-commerce store.


In conclusion, setting up WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email on your WordPress website is a strategic move to tackle the pervasive issue of abandoned carts in e-commerce. We’ve explored the concept of abandoned carts, understanding the various factors that contribute to this phenomenon, from unexpected costs to security concerns and beyond. Through the implementation of WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email, we’ve uncovered a powerful solution to combat cart abandonment, leveraging automated follow-up emails, personalized communication, and enticing incentives to re-engage with potential customers and recover lost sales. 

By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can effectively configure the plugin to suit your business needs, optimize email templates, and monitor performance to continuously improve cart recovery rates over time. With WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Email in place, you’re equipped with a valuable tool to enhance user experience, increase conversions, and drive revenue growth for your online store. Don’t let abandoned carts remain a missed opportunity – take action today to reclaim sales and maximize your e-commerce success. 

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